code | |
impl | |
meta | |
tween | |
algorithm.hpp | Generic algorithms on sequences |
application.hpp | A class to represent the application |
arguments.hpp | A class to manage the arguments of your program |
arguments_table.hpp | A class to manage the arguments of your program, with automatic management of short/long arguments and help message |
assert.hpp | Some assert macros to strengthen you code |
automaton.hpp | A basic automaton structure |
avl.hpp | AVL Binary search tree |
avl_base.hpp | Base implementation for the AVL Binary search tree |
basic_singleton.hpp | A (really) basic implementation of the singleton design pattern |
basic_socket.hpp | Common interface for claw::net::basic_socketbuf and claw::net::socket_server |
basic_socketbuf.hpp | Socket buffer to be used with std::basic_socket_stream, for easy socket reading and writing |
binary_node.hpp | Basic binary node |
bit_istream.hpp | This class is made to help reading datas of custom bit length |
bit_ostream.hpp | This class is made to help writing datas of custom bit length |
bitmap.hpp | A class for bitmap pictures |
box_2d.hpp | A rectangle represented by two points in a 2D space |
buffered_istream.hpp | This class is made to help reading istreams with a buffer |
buffered_ostream.hpp | This class is made to help wrinting in ostreams with a buffer |
claw.hpp | The purpose of this file is to document the namespaces of the library |
claw_gettext.hpp | Macros to call gettext on the libclaw textdomain |
color_palette.hpp | A palette of color, for palettized images |
configuration_file.hpp | A class to get the content of a configuration file |
coordinate_2d.hpp | Coordinates in a two dimensional space |
coordinate_traits.hpp | The coordinate traits provide an access to the members of the structures representing a coordinate in a 2D space |
curve.hpp | Claw's implementation of Bézier curves |
dynamic_library.hpp | A class to use dynamic libraries |
dynamic_library_traits.hpp | Include the good interface for dynamic libraries for your system |
dynamic_library_traits_unix.hpp | Unix interface for using dynamic libraries |
dynamic_library_traits_win32.hpp | Microsoft Windows interface for using dynamic libraries |
exception.hpp | A simple class to use as exception with string message |
factory.hpp | The design pattern of the factory |
functional.hpp | Some function object classes |
game_ai.hpp | Artificial intelligence for games |
gif.hpp | Image class for gif files |
glob.hpp | Globalization algorithm |
graph.hpp | A class to represent a graph |
graph_algorithm.hpp | Various algorithms for graph manipulation |
image.hpp | A class to deal with images |
isocket_stream.hpp | A class to use any socket as a classic standard input stream |
it_index.hpp | A class to manage an index and an iterator easily |
iterator.hpp | Some special kind of iterators. As an example: iterator on the keys of a map |
jpeg.hpp | A class for jpeg pictures |
jpeg_error_manager.hpp | Methods for the claw::graphic::jpeg::error_manager class |
kmp.hpp | Kmp class interface. Use this class for exact pattern matching. This class uses the Knuth-Morris-Pratt's algorithm |
line_2d.hpp | A straight line in a two dimensional space |
log_level.hpp | A class to pass log information to the loggers |
log_stream.hpp | Some basic classes for logging |
log_stream_concise.hpp | A log stream that does not output a message that have been recently output |
log_stream_uniq.hpp | A log stream that does not output successively the same message |
logger.hpp | Some basic classes for logging |
lzw_decoder.hpp | A class to help decoding a stream encoded with Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm |
lzw_encoder.hpp | A class to help encoding a stream with Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm |
math.hpp | Some mathematical structures and functions |
max_vector.hpp | Fill a container with some values, keeping only all the "maximum" inserted values |
meta.hpp | Structures for meta-programming |
multi_type_map.hpp | This class can associate values of different types to a key |
multi_type_map_visitor.hpp | This class goes through all entries in a multi_type_map and apply a function to them |
non_copyable.hpp | Inherit from this class to forbid copy constructor in your class |
ordered_set.hpp | A class to manage sets of ordered items |
osocket_stream.hpp | A class to use any socket as a classic standard output stream |
pcx.hpp | A class for pcx pictures |
pixel.hpp | Representation of a pixel in image processing |
png.hpp | A class for png pictures |
real_number.hpp | Custom precision real numbers |
rectangle.hpp | A class representing a rectangle by his x,y coordinates, width and height |
rle_decoder.hpp | A class to help decoding run-length encoded (RLE) streams |
rle_encoder.hpp | A class to help run-length encoding (RLE) streams |
smart_ptr.hpp | A pointer with a reference counter |
socket_server.hpp | Class used to receive incoming connections |
socket_stream.hpp | A class to use any socket as a classic standard stream |
socket_traits.hpp | Include the good interface for sockets for your system |
socket_traits_unix.hpp | Unix interface for using sockets |
socket_traits_win32.hpp | Win32 interface for using sockets |
string_algorithm.hpp | Generic algorithms on strings |
system_info.hpp | Include the good interface for system information for your system |
system_info_unix.hpp | A class to get some informations about the system in which your program runs |
system_info_win32.hpp | A class to get some informations about the system in which your program runs |
targa.hpp | A class for targa pictures |
tree.hpp | A tree structure with any number of children |
trie.hpp | A trie structure |
types.hpp | Some classes for the raw manipulation of the base types |
vector_2d.hpp | Two dimensional vector |
version.hpp | The version of the library |
xbm.hpp | A class for xbm pictures |