Claw  1.7.3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
oNboostRedefinition of some boost elements, required on some compilers
oNclawThis is the main namespace
|oNaiEverything about artificial intelligence
|oNgraphicEverything about image structures and processing
|oNmathManipulation of mathematic, geometric, etc. items
|oNmemoryMemory management
|oNmetaStructures for meta-programmation
|oNnetNetwork communications
|oNpatternHere are the design patterns
|oNtextEverything about text processing
|oNtweenTweeners interpolate the intermediate values between two given reference values using various equations
|oCapplicationA class to represent the application
|oCargumentsA class to manage the arguments of your program
|oCarguments_tableA class to manage the arguments of your program, with automatic management of short/long arguments and help message
|oCautomatonBasic automaton structure
|oCavlBinary search tree AVL implementation
|oCavl_baseBinary search tree base AVL implementation
|oCbinary_nodeBasic binary node
|oCbit_istreamThis class is made to help reading datas of custom bit length
|oCbit_ostreamThis class is made to help writing datas of custom bit length
|oCbuffered_istreamThis class is made to help reading istreams with a buffer
|oCbuffered_ostreamThis class is made to help writing in ostreams with a buffer
|oCconfiguration_fileA class to get the content of a configuration file
|oCdynamic_libraryA class to use dynamic libraries
|oCdynamic_library_traits_unixUnix interface for using dynamic libraries
|oCdynamic_library_traits_win32Microsoft Windows interface for using dynamic libraries
|oCexceptionA simple class to use as exception with string message
|oCbad_formatException thrown when accessing bad formated data
|oCfirstFuction object to get the first element of a std::pair
|oCconst_firstFuction object to get the first element of a std::pair
|oCpair_firstFuction object to get the first element of a std::pair
|oCconst_pair_firstFuction object to get the first element of a std::pair
|oCsecondFuction object to get the second element of a std::pair
|oCconst_secondFuction object to get the second element of a std::pair
|oCpair_secondFuction object to get the second element of a std::pair
|oCconst_pair_secondFuction object to get the second element of a std::pair
|oCunary_trueAlways true unary predicate
|oCbinary_trueAlways true binary predicate
|oCunary_composeFunction object that compose two function objects
|oCdelete_functionFunction object that deletes a pointer
|oCcloneFunction object that clones a pointer
|oCdereferenceFunction object that dereferences a pointer
|oCconst_dereferenceFunction object that dereferences a constant pointer
|oCgraph_exceptionThe exceptions thrown by the graphs
|oCgraphA class to represent a graph
|oCscan_eventsDifferent stages of graph scanning
|oCbreadth_scanThis class performs a depth scan of a graph. Only reachables vertices from a given vertex are proceeded
|oCdepth_scanThis class performs a depth scan of a graph. All nodes are proceeded
|oCtopological_sortPass this class as the "Envents" template parameter of the depth scan class to sort the vertices of a graph with the topological sort algorithm
|oCmulti_type_map_wrapper< Head, multi_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > > >
|oCmulti_type_map_wrapper< ValueType, multi_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > > >
|oCmulti_type_map_helper< multi_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > > >
|oCmulti_type_map_helper< multi_type_map< Key, claw::meta::no_type > >
|oCmulti_type_map_visitor_processThis class goes through all entries of a given type in a multi_type_map and apply a function to them
|oCmulti_type_map_visitor_rec< Key, claw::meta::no_type >Specialization of multi_type_map_visitor_rec for an empty type list
|oCmulti_type_map_visitor_rec< KeyType, claw::meta::type_list< HeadType, TailType > >Specialization of multi_type_map_visitor_rec for a non empty type list
|oCit_indexA class to manage an index and an iterator easily
|oCwrapped_iterator_by_categoryBase class for wrapped iterators
|oCwrapped_iterator_by_category< std::forward_iterator_tag, Value, Iterator, Function >Base class for wrapped iterators, specialized for forward iterators
|oCwrapped_iterator_by_category< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, Value, Iterator, Function >Base class for wrapped iterators, specialized for bidirectional iterators
|oCwrapped_iterator_by_category< std::random_access_iterator_tag, Value, Iterator, Function >Base class for wrapped iterators, specialized for random iterators
|oCwrapped_iteratorThis class defines an iterator resulting of the appliance of a function to an effective iterator
|oClog_levelSet the level of the next message for logger_system::operator<<()
|oClog_streamBase class for streams accepting log output
|oCconsole_loggerThis class write log messages in std::clog
|oCfile_loggerThis class write log messages in a file
|oClog_stream_conciseA log stream that does not output a message that have been recently output
|oClog_stream_uniqA log stream that does not output successively the same message
|oClog_systemA class implementing a logging system
|oClzw_decoderA class to help decoding a stream encoded with Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm
|oClzw_encoderA class to help encoding a stream with Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm
|oCmax_vectorFill a container with some values, keeping only all the "maximum" inserted values
|oCmulti_type_map< Key, meta::no_type >Partial specialization, to stop the inheritance recursivity
|oCmulti_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > >This class can associate values of different types to a key
|oCmulti_type_map_visitorThis class goes through all entries in a multi_type_map and apply a function to them
|oCmake_epsilonThis class generates an epsilon value of a given precision
|oCreal_numberCustom precision real numbers
|oCrle_decoderA class to help decoding run-length encoded (RLE) streams
|oCrle_encoderA class to help run-length encoding (RLE) streams
|oCsocket_traits_unixUnix interface for using sockets
|oCsocket_traits_win32Win32 interface for using sockets
|oCsystem_infoA class to get some informations about the system in which your program runs
|oCtreeA tree structure with any number of children
|oCtrieThis class is a trie tree
|oCfind_type_by_sizeThis meta class finds, in a list of types, the first type stored exactly with a given number of bits
|oCfind_type_by_size< Size, meta::no_type >End of the recursion of the find_type_by_size class
|oCinteger_of_sizeDefine the type of a signed integer stored with a given number of bits. Template parameters
|oCunsigned_integer_of_sizeDefine the type of an unsigned integer stored with a given number of bits. Template parameters
|\Cdynamic_library_traitsCommon interface for platform specific methods needed for using dynamic library
|\Cnumeric_limits< claw::real_number< T > >