Claw  1.7.3
Classes | Typedefs
claw::meta Namespace Reference

Structures for meta-programmation. More...


struct  if_then_else< true, ThenPart, ElsePart >
 Specialization for the case where the condition evaluates to true. More...
struct  if_then_else< false, ThenPart, ElsePart >
 Specialization for the case where the condition evaluates to false. More...
struct  is_base_of
 This predicate tells if a class is derived from an other class. More...
struct  no_type
 Empty type. More...
struct  same_type
 This predicate tells if two types are the sames. More...
struct  same_type< T, T >
struct  type_list
 Use this class to make a list of types. More...
struct  split_type_list_at< Delimiter, no_type >
 Specialisation of split_type_list_at for an empty list or the case where the delimiter is no_type. More...
struct  split_type_list_at
 Split a type_list according to the first instance of a given type. More...
struct  type_list_maker_1
 A type list with a single type, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_2
 A type list with two types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_3
 A type list with three types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_4
 A type list with four types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_5
 A type list with five types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_6
 A type list with six types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_7
 A type list with seven types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_8
 A type list with height types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_9
 A type list with nine types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_10
 A type list with ten types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_11
 A type list with eleven types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_12
 A type list with twelve types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_13
 A type list with thirteen types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_14
 A type list with fourteen types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker_15
 A type list with fifteen types, more readable than an imbricated type_list. More...
struct  type_list_maker
 A type list with up to six types, more readable than an imbricated type_list, more readable than type_list_maker_1 and others. More...
struct  type_list_find
 Check if a type is present in a type_list. More...
struct  type_list_find< T, no_type >
struct  type_list_is_a_set
 This class checks if each type in a type_list<> is present only once. More...
struct  type_list_is_a_set< no_type >
struct  type_list_length
 This class computes the length of a list of types. More...
struct  type_list_length< no_type >
struct  type_list_contains< T, type_list< T, Tail > >
struct  type_list_contains< T, no_type >
struct  type_list_contains< T, type_list< Head, Tail > >


typedef type_list_maker
< signed char, unsigned char,
signed short, unsigned short,
signed int, unsigned int,
signed long, unsigned long,
signed long long, unsigned
long long, float, double, long
double, bool >::result 
 The list of the types of the C++ language.

Detailed Description

Structures for meta-programmation.