claw::ai::game::action_eval< Action, Numeric > | A score associated with an action |
 claw::ai::game::alpha_beta< State > | Find an action with the alpha-beta algorithm |
 claw::application | A class to represent the application |
 claw::arguments | A class to manage the arguments of your program |
 claw::arguments_table | A class to manage the arguments of your program, with automatic management of short/long arguments and help message |
 claw::automaton< State, Edge, StateComp, EdgeComp > | Basic automaton structure |
 claw::avl< K, Comp > | Binary search tree AVL implementation |
  claw::math::ordered_set< K, Comp > | A class to manage sets of ordered items |
 claw::avl_base< K, Comp > | Binary search tree base AVL implementation |
 claw::avl_base< K, Comp >::avl_const_iterator | AVL iterator |
 claw::avl_base< K, Comp >::avl_iterator | AVL iterator |
 claw::graphic::image::base_iterator< Image, Pixel > | Base class for iterators on an image |
 claw::tween::base_tweener | Common interface for all tweeners |
  claw::tween::single_tweener | A single_tweener makes a value to evolve through time from a initial value to an end value according to a given function |
  claw::tween::tweener_group | The tweener group manages several tweeners and remove them when they are over |
  claw::tween::tweener_sequence | The tweener sequence manages several tweeners in a common timeline |
 claw::net::basic_isocket_stream< CharT, Traits > | A class to use any socket as a classic standard input stream |
 claw::net::basic_osocket_stream< CharT, Traits > | A class to use any socket as a classic standard output stream |
 claw::net::basic_socket | Common interface for claw::net::basic_socketbuf and claw::net::socket_server |
  claw::net::basic_socketbuf< CharT, Traits > | Socket buffer to be used with std::basic_stream, for easy socket reading and writing |
  claw::net::socket_server | Class used to receive incoming connections |
 claw::net::basic_socket_stream< CharT, Traits > | A class to use any socket as a classic standard stream |
 basic_streambuf | |
  claw::net::basic_socketbuf< CharT, Traits > | Socket buffer to be used with std::basic_stream, for easy socket reading and writing |
 claw::binary_node< U > | Basic binary node |
 claw::binary_node< claw::avl_base< K, Comp >::avl_node > | |
 claw::binary_node< trie_node > | |
 claw::binary_true< T, U > | Always true binary predicate |
 claw::bit_istream< Stream > | This class is made to help reading datas of custom bit length |
 claw::bit_ostream< Stream > | This class is made to help writing datas of custom bit length |
 claw::math::box_2d< T > | A rectangle represented by two points in a 2D space |
 claw::breadth_scan< Graph, Events > | This class performs a depth scan of a graph. Only reachables vertices from a given vertex are proceeded |
 claw::buffered_istream< Stream > | This class is made to help reading istreams with a buffer |
 claw::buffered_istream< std::istream > | |
 claw::buffered_ostream< Stream > | This class is made to help writing in ostreams with a buffer |
 claw::graphic::color_palette< Color > | A palette of colors, for palettized images |
 claw::configuration_file | A class to get the content of a configuration file |
 claw::configuration_file::const_field_iterator | This class is an iterator on the values set for a same field name |
 claw::math::curve< C, Traits >::control_point | Describes a control point of the curve, with the direction of the curve before and after the point |
 claw::math::coordinate_2d< T > | Coordinates in a two dimensional space |
  claw::math::vector_2d< T > | Two dimensional vector |
 claw::math::coordinate_traits< claw::math::coordinate_2d< T > > | Specialization of the coordinate_traits for claw::math::coordinate_2d |
 claw::math::coordinate_traits< claw::math::vector_2d< T > > | Specialization of the coordinate_traits for claw::math::vector_2d |
 claw::math::curve< C, Traits > | Implementation of the B�zier curve |
 claw::depth_scan< Graph, Events > | This class performs a depth scan of a graph. All nodes are proceeded |
 claw::graphic::jpeg::writer::destination_manager | Destination manager that allow us to write in a std::ostream |
 claw::graphic::targa::file_structure::developer_item | Item in the developper directory |
 claw::dynamic_library | A class to use dynamic libraries |
 claw::dynamic_library_traits | Common interface for platform specific methods needed for using dynamic library |
 claw::dynamic_library_traits_unix | Unix interface for using dynamic libraries |
 claw::dynamic_library_traits_win32 | Microsoft Windows interface for using dynamic libraries |
 claw::tween::easing_none | Easing functions for the tweener. Those functions do nothing |
 claw::graph< S, A, Comp >::graph_edge_iterator::edge | Value pointed by the iterator |
 claw::graphic::jpeg::error_manager | Error handler that throw an exception instead of exiting the program |
 claw::exception | A simple class to use as exception with string message |
  claw::bad_format | Exception thrown when accessing bad formated data |
  claw::pattern::bad_type_identifier | Exception thrown when an incorrect identifier is given to a type |
 claw::graphic::targa::file_structure::extension | Extension area |
 claw::pattern::factory< BaseClass, IdentifierType > | The design pattern of the factory allow to dynamically instanciate classes of various types given an identifier of this type |
 claw::graphic::pcx::writer::file_output_buffer | The type of the output buffer associated with the file when encoding RLE data |
 claw::graphic::targa::writer::file_output_buffer< Pixel > | The type of the output buffer associated with the file when encoding RLE data |
 claw::find_type_by_size< Size, TypeList > | This meta class finds, in a list of types, the first type stored exactly with a given number of bits |
 claw::find_type_by_size< Size, meta::no_type > | End of the recursion of the find_type_by_size class |
 claw::graphic::targa::file_structure::footer | Footer of a targa file |
 claw::ai::game::game_state< Action, Numeric > | A state of a game |
 claw::graph< S, A, Comp > | A class to represent a graph |
 claw::graph< S, A, Comp >::graph_edge_iterator | Iterator on the graph's edges |
 claw::graph_exception | The exceptions thrown by the graphs |
 claw::graph< S, A, Comp >::graph_vertex_iterator | Iterator on the graph's vertices |
 claw::graphic::bitmap::file_structure::header | Header of a bitmap file |
 claw::graphic::targa::file_structure::header | Header of a targa file |
 claw::meta::if_then_else< false, ThenPart, ElsePart > | Specialization for the case where the condition evaluates to false |
 claw::meta::if_then_else< true, ThenPart, ElsePart > | Specialization for the case where the condition evaluates to true |
 claw::graphic::image | A class to deal with images |
  claw::graphic::bitmap | A class for bitmap images |
  claw::graphic::gif | A class for gif pictures |
  claw::graphic::gif::frame | One frame in the animation |
  claw::graphic::jpeg | A class for jpeg pictures |
  claw::graphic::pcx | A class for pcx pictures |
  claw::graphic::png | A class for png pictures |
  claw::graphic::targa | A class for targa pictures |
  claw::graphic::xbm | A class for xbm pictures |
 claw::integer_of_size< Size > | Define the type of a signed integer stored with a given number of bits. Template parameters |
 claw::meta::is_base_of< Base, Derived > | This predicate tells if a class is derived from an other class |
 claw::it_index< T > | A class to manage an index and an iterator easily |
 claw::multi_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > >::iterator< ValueType > | This structure is used to create an iterator on the values of a given type |
 claw::text::kmp< RandomIterator > | Exact pattern finding with the Knuth-Morris-Pratt's algorithm |
 claw::math::line_2d< T > | A straight line in a two dimensional space |
 claw::log_level | Set the level of the next message for logger_system::operator<<() |
 claw::log_stream | Base class for streams accepting log output |
  claw::console_logger | This class write log messages in std::clog |
  claw::file_logger | This class write log messages in a file |
  claw::log_stream_concise | A log stream that does not output a message that have been recently output |
  claw::log_stream_uniq | A log stream that does not output successively the same message |
 claw::log_system | A class implementing a logging system |
 claw::lzw_decoder< InputBuffer, OutputBuffer > | A class to help decoding a stream encoded with Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm |
 claw::lzw_encoder< InputBuffer, OutputBuffer > | A class to help encoding a stream with Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm |
 claw::make_epsilon< T > | This class generates an epsilon value of a given precision |
 claw::max_vector< E, Comp, Container > | Fill a container with some values, keeping only all the "maximum" inserted values |
 claw::ai::game::min_max< State > | Find an action with the MinMax algorithm |
 claw::multi_type_map< Key, meta::no_type > | Partial specialization, to stop the inheritance recursivity |
 claw::multi_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > > | This class can associate values of different types to a key |
 claw::multi_type_map_helper< multi_type_map< Key, claw::meta::no_type > > | |
 claw::multi_type_map_helper< multi_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > > > | |
 claw::multi_type_map_visitor | This class goes through all entries in a multi_type_map and apply a function to them |
 claw::multi_type_map_visitor_process< Type > | This class goes through all entries of a given type in a multi_type_map and apply a function to them |
 claw::multi_type_map_visitor_rec< Key, claw::meta::no_type > | Specialization of multi_type_map_visitor_rec for an empty type list |
 claw::multi_type_map_visitor_rec< KeyType, claw::meta::type_list< HeadType, TailType > > | Specialization of multi_type_map_visitor_rec for a non empty type list |
 claw::multi_type_map_wrapper< Head, multi_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > > > | |
 claw::multi_type_map_wrapper< ValueType, multi_type_map< Key, meta::type_list< Head, Tail > > > | |
 claw::meta::no_type | Empty type |
 claw::pattern::non_copyable | Inherit from this class to forbid construction of your class by copy |
  claw::console_logger | This class write log messages in std::clog |
  claw::file_logger | This class write log messages in a file |
  claw::log_stream_concise | A log stream that does not output a message that have been recently output |
  claw::log_stream_uniq | A log stream that does not output successively the same message |
  claw::pattern::basic_singleton< T > | A (really) basic implementation of the singleton design pattern |
 std::numeric_limits< claw::real_number< T > > | |
 claw::graphic::xbm::writer::options | Parameters of the writing algorithm |
 claw::graphic::png::writer::options | Parameters of the writing algorithm |
 claw::graphic::jpeg::writer::options | Parameters of the writing algorithm |
 claw::graphic::bitmap::reader | This class read data from a bitmap file and store it in an image |
 claw::graphic::gif::reader | This class reads data from a gif file. The image is resized to the size of the screen (as defined in the gif file) and the frames are stored in a list of frames passed as parameter |
 claw::graphic::png::reader | This class read data from a png file and store it in an image |
 claw::graphic::pcx::reader | This class read data from a pcx file and store it in an image |
 claw::graphic::targa::reader | This class read data from a targa file and store it in an image |
 claw::graphic::jpeg::reader | This class read data from a jpeg file and store it in an image |
 claw::graphic::xbm::reader | This class read data from a xbm file and store it in an image |
 claw::real_number< T > | Custom precision real numbers |
 claw::math::rectangle< T > | A class representing a rectangle by his x,y coordinates, width and height |
 claw::math::curve< C, Traits >::section::resolved_point | The resolved point class is a point found on a section |
 claw::graphic::rgb_pixel | RGB pixel |
 claw::graphic::rgba_pixel | RGBA pixel |
 claw::rle_decoder< Pattern, InputBuffer, OutputBuffer > | A class to help decoding run-length encoded (RLE) streams |
 claw::rle_decoder< char, file_input_buffer, OutputBuffer > | |
 claw::rle_decoder< rgba_pixel_8, InputBuffer, OutputBuffer > | |
 claw::rle_decoder< u_int_8, rle_pcx_input_buffer, rle_pcx_output_buffer > | |
 claw::rle_encoder< OutputBuffer > | A class to help run-length encoding (RLE) streams |
 claw::rle_encoder< file_output_buffer< Pixel > > | |
  claw::graphic::targa::writer::rle_targa_encoder< Pixel > | RLE encoder for targa format |
 claw::meta::same_type< T, U > | This predicate tells if two types are the sames |
 claw::meta::same_type< T, T > | |
 claw::scan_events< Graph > | Different stages of graph scanning |
  claw::topological_sort< Graph > | Pass this class as the "Envents" template parameter of the depth scan class to sort the vertices of a graph with the topological sort algorithm |
 claw::graphic::image::scanline | One line in the image |
 claw::math::curve< C, Traits >::section | A section is a part of the curve between two control points |
 claw::ai::game::select_action< Method > | Select an action using a given method (min_max, alpha_beta) |
 claw::ai::game::select_random_action< Method > | Select a random action among the best ones |
 claw::memory::smart_ptr< T > | A pointer with a reference counter |
 claw::net::socket_traits | Common interface for platform specific methods needed for using sockets |
 claw::socket_traits_unix | Unix interface for using sockets |
 claw::socket_traits_win32 | Win32 interface for using sockets |
 claw::graphic::jpeg::reader::source_manager | Source manager that allow us to read from a std::istream |
 claw::graphic::png::reader::source_manager | Source manager that allow us to read from a std::istream |
 claw::graphic::targa::file_structure::header::specification | Image specification |
 claw::meta::split_type_list_at< Delimiter, TypeList > | Split a type_list according to the first instance of a given type |
 claw::meta::split_type_list_at< Delimiter, no_type > | Specialisation of split_type_list_at for an empty list or the case where the delimiter is no_type |
 claw::tween::symmetric_easing< Function > | Easing functions for the tweener |
 claw::configuration_file::syntax_description | This class tells us how to parse the input file |
 claw::system_info | A class to get some informations about the system in which your program runs |
 claw::graphic::png::writer::target_manager | Target manager that allow us to write in a std::ostream |
 claw::tree< T > | A tree structure with any number of children |
 claw::trie< T, Comp > | This class is a trie tree |
 claw::tween::tweener | A tweener makes a value to evolve through time from a initial value to an end value according to a given function |
 claw::meta::type_list< Head, Queue > | Use this class to make a list of types |
 claw::meta::type_list_contains< T, no_type > | |
 claw::meta::type_list_contains< T, type_list< Head, Tail > > | |
 claw::meta::type_list_contains< T, type_list< T, Tail > > | |
 claw::meta::type_list_find< T, List > | Check if a type is present in a type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_find< T, no_type > | |
 claw::meta::type_list_is_a_set< List > | This class checks if each type in a type_list<> is present only once |
 claw::meta::type_list_is_a_set< no_type > | |
 claw::meta::type_list_length< List > | This class computes the length of a list of types |
 claw::meta::type_list_length< no_type > | |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 > | A type list with up to six types, more readable than an imbricated type_list, more readable than type_list_maker_1 and others |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_1< T1 > | A type list with a single type, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_10< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 > | A type list with ten types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_11< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11 > | A type list with eleven types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_12< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12 > | A type list with twelve types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_13< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13 > | A type list with thirteen types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_14< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14 > | A type list with fourteen types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_15< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 > | A type list with fifteen types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_2< T1, T2 > | A type list with two types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_3< T1, T2, T3 > | A type list with three types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_4< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | A type list with four types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_5< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | A type list with five types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_6< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > | A type list with six types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_7< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > | A type list with seven types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_8< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > | A type list with height types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 claw::meta::type_list_maker_9< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > | A type list with nine types, more readable than an imbricated type_list |
 unary_function | |
  claw::clone< T > | Function object that clones a pointer |
  claw::const_dereference< T > | Function object that dereferences a constant pointer |
  claw::const_first< T1, T2 > | Fuction object to get the first element of a std::pair |
  claw::const_second< T1, T2 > | Fuction object to get the second element of a std::pair |
  claw::delete_function< T > | Function object that deletes a pointer |
  claw::dereference< T > | Function object that dereferences a pointer |
  claw::first< T1, T2 > | Fuction object to get the first element of a std::pair |
  claw::second< T1, T2 > | Fuction object to get the second element of a std::pair |
  claw::unary_compose< F1, F2 > | Function object that compose two function objects |
  claw::unary_true< T > | Always true unary predicate |
  claw::const_first< Pair::first_type, Pair::second_type > | |
   claw::const_pair_first< Pair > | Fuction object to get the first element of a std::pair |
  claw::const_second< Pair::first_type, Pair::second_type > | |
   claw::const_pair_second< Pair > | Fuction object to get the second element of a std::pair |
  claw::first< Pair::first_type, Pair::second_type > | |
   claw::pair_first< Pair > | Fuction object to get the first element of a std::pair |
  claw::second< Pair::first_type, Pair::second_type > | |
   claw::pair_second< Pair > | Fuction object to get the second element of a std::pair |
 claw::unsigned_integer_of_size< Size > | Define the type of an unsigned integer stored with a given number of bits. Template parameters |
 claw::wrapped_iterator< Value, Iterator, Function > | This class defines an iterator resulting of the appliance of a function to an effective iterator |
 claw::wrapped_iterator_by_category< Category, Value, Iterator, Function > | Base class for wrapped iterators |
 claw::wrapped_iterator_by_category< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, Value, Iterator, Function > | Base class for wrapped iterators, specialized for bidirectional iterators |
 claw::wrapped_iterator_by_category< std::forward_iterator_tag, Value, Iterator, Function > | Base class for wrapped iterators, specialized for forward iterators |
 claw::wrapped_iterator_by_category< std::random_access_iterator_tag, Value, Iterator, Function > | Base class for wrapped iterators, specialized for random iterators |
 claw::graphic::pcx::writer | This class write an image in a pcx file |
 claw::graphic::png::writer | This class write an image in a png file |
 claw::graphic::xbm::writer | This class write an image in a xbm file |
 claw::graphic::bitmap::writer | This class write an image in a bitmap file |
 claw::graphic::jpeg::writer | This class write an image in a jpeg file |
 claw::graphic::targa::writer | This class write an image in a targa file |